Sunday, August 14, 2011


God's purpose for my life is continuously evasive. I feel like my life is rearing off course in all different directions but where I 'should' be headed, leaving me grabbing for the "Oh shit!" handles screaming "I HOPE YOU CAN SEE WHERE WE'RE GOING CAUSE I SURE CAN'T!"

I posted the above as my Facebook status an hour ago.  As I sit here thinking about it, I'm inclined to remove it.  God knows what he's doing. It is I that has a limited scope of the big picture.  Yes, junior college continues to be pushed aside. Yes, I keep getting declined for job positions I am perfectly capable of performing and that I desperately need. However - the time away from the responsibility of a full time job and school is giving my body time to adjust to the new medication I'm on for my Psoriatic Arthritis. It's giving me time to focus on the healing I have left to do from my wounded past - to ensure that it doesn't disrupt or destroy my future. 

Proverbs 19:21 states: "You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail."

Our society is so demanding and so insistent on instant gratification. We sometimes fail to notice that the wait is sometimes the most fulfilling part of the endeavor.  

God is in control of my life, and I need to trust that. I may not know what it is he wants from me, or what he expects from me, but my job isn't to always know - it is to trust that He does know because He said so. :) 


My name is Suz, and for all intents and purposes that is all you need to know of my name.  Chances are you've found your way here because you know me behind the screen, but on the off chance you're stumbling across my blog by accident, let me give you a formal introduction.

I'm a young woman trying to figure out what God's purpose for my life is.  I write to get the ideas and words that are rolling around in my brain out - so that they will discontinue their torment. I have this preconceived notion that maybe something I say will one day be helpful to someone out there struggling with the same issues I have struggled with.

I love animals, I love nature, and I love God. I have just recently discovered my love for people - an empathy, and compassion to nurture those who are in pain, to inspire those on a path toward healing, physically, spiritually, and mentally.

My blog title is taken from one of my most cherished books by Tammy Maltby, Confessions of a Good Christian Girl: The Secrets Women Keep and the Grace That Saves Them! If you're a christian girl trying to grin and bear it in today's society, I urge you to check it out.  This book has helped me in numerous ways and continues to inspire spiritual healing within me.